The Adaptive Agency
Help Your People Focus
Your business has one job: deliver value to customers. Everything else is subordinate to this. No value, no customers, no business. Yet employees in most companies are not aligned with this reality. Having an entire workforce that’s disconnected...
Don’t Let “The Customer Comes First” Backfire
One of the most common phrases we hear businesses repeat is the timeless adage, “The customer comes first!” And it’s true, in the sense that you need to put your customers’ well-being before your own. Because if you lose your customers, you lose...
Love People, Not Things
I heard this quote years ago from Spencer Kimball and it stuck: “Love people, not things; use things, not people.” As it pertains to business, nothing could be more calculated to produce long-term success and happiness. People Need To Be Cared...
Super-Satisfied Customers: 3 Ways To Maximize Customer Loyalty
Customer churn stinks. After earning back your Customer Acquisition Cost, you might only make money for a couple of years before the customer bails to save a few bucks. And the loss of potential income! Customers who stay for a long time and give...
Get More From Your Team: Leading vs. Supervising vs. Administering
Every employer wishes their team could do better. But how to get more from them is a mystery. You can pay them more, but that doesn’t always correlate to more output. You can ride them and threaten them, but independent thinking goes down, and...
Building An Amazing Culture Was Hard
We spent years developing a great culture. It’s the best thing we’ve done for our business, our employees, and our customers. Our culture is the unseen force that aligns our team with our strategy and brings out the best in them. Creating this...