The Adaptive Agency

How Can I Focus On Important Stuff?

Have you ever said this: "I worked hard all week and didn't get anything important done."? Join the club. But here’s some good news: you can give up “busy” and start doing things that matter. You just need some tools. Today I'll give you five tools...

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Outperform Everybody With This One Habit

Most industries and markets are dominated by sameness. If you want to leave your competitors in the dust, you need to be different. Here’s how… New Habit: Look At Things In A Different Way This habit is what will make you different. And different...

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Here’s How To Add $1M To Your Pipeline

Today I’m going to: (a) show you where $1M is hiding, and (b) show you how to go get it. Where is the $1M hiding? Let’s take a customer profile that looks like this: annual commissions = $700. retention = 20 years. That customer will provide you...

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Change Your Mind, Change Your World

This is not a motivational piece. Please save it for when you have time to focus. If you internalize this, your life and your business will get better… We’ll start with this: most people and companies are stuck. They do what they know. They have...

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