Sep 12, 2023 | Profitability
Dave Christy’s event in Dallas last week was amazing. If he has another one, don’t miss it. Of course, Dave’s an excellent human and a mega-successful agent with an impressive network that he shared with attendees. The sessions were great and the...
Aug 22, 2023 | Profitability
I frequently mention the importance of doing things that compound. Sounds cool, but it might not be intuitive. To understand compounding and really drive growth, it helps to understand it’s alter-ego: diminishing returns. 3 Modes Of Growth 1. Linear...
Aug 15, 2023 | Profitability
Customer churn may seem like a natural part of business. Here’s why it actually costs a fortune. Hard Costs CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) Acquiring a customer costs money. Most small businesses underestimate this cost and how it drains their profits. Suppose...
May 12, 2023 | Profitability
You probably didn’t know that Client Focus has a dental line of business. (We set patient appointments for them.) It turns out dentists do some things that are amazingly applicable to insurance agency profitability. Here are the top 5. Lesson 1: Dentists Only...
Mar 31, 2023 | Profitability, Strategy
Profit is virtuous. Yes, it is. And profit—not revenue, not headcount—is the key to everything you want in your business. By the time this article is finished, you’ll be thinking about profit all the time. You and your insurance agency will be much better off as a...
Nov 23, 2022 | Profitability
Author’s note: I need to be clear about my use of the term “riches.” The road to riches is via providing overwhelming value. Customers give you excess profit when you deserve it. No shortcuts. Why do most small businesses pursue the path of least compensation? You and...