So it’s pretty unheard of in most companies to hire for character, not skills. It’s typically the opposite, right? Typically, you want to hire for skills and if their character is a little off, you can work with it. No, here’s what’s going to...
Here’s a really important growth hack. It’s called the 15% rule and what this means is that you need to spend 15% of your time as a small business owner thinking about your strategy, thinking strategically about the future of your business. There is the...
So here’s a really important concept. It’s called asymmetric value. We’re talking about the difference between what it costs you to give something and the value to the person who’s receiving it. So if you can imagine, there is stuff that your...
For most businesses, growth looks like an X-axis that represents time and a Y-axis that shows dollars and then hopefully an arrow that’s pointing up over time. So many businesses become solely focused on dollars that they get stuck in the grind and thus their...
If you’re selling something that you genuinely believe will help your customer, then forget about your value proposition, your elevator pitch, sales gimmicks, and techniques. Instead, you need to focus on giving the customer what we call the Ah-Ha Amen...